Are you considering expanding your business?
Perhaps you are thinking about transferring your company ownership to a third party? If so, then we can help you. Here is what we can offer you: we bring Dutch companies in contact with serious investors from Southeast Asia. We have a broad network that can satisfy your specific questions and situation.
Who to contact?
Katerina Israel, Business Operations Director
Katerina is a professional who has a wide range of experiences in law, corporate finance and tax. She has worked for Philips, Rabobank and BDO.
katerina.israel (at)
+31 6 29124986
Anna Elferink, Business Development Director
Anna is a professional with more than 20 years advising companies on their global expansion and international business development.
anna.elferink (at)
+31 6 18782987
Expanding or selling your business?
Mail us a short description of your company, including your annual financial statements and bylaws. After the receipt of your documents, we will contact you to discuss your specific requests. Following this step will be a contract, our work is based on a “no deal, no pay” basis. A search for a suitable investor begins.
When a match has been found, we will help with the negotiations and oversee the entire acquisition process.
The company’s selling price is decided by you or an advisor can be appointed to do it for you. We can help you find a well-known expert.
Our expertise
To do business successfully with parties from Southeast Asia requires a specific expertise. This is where we come in – our expertise. We know the Asian markets and can support you in selling or expanding your business. However, it is important for you to consider all the implications of the transaction in advance. For example, how will you communicate with the investors and which type of agreement do you need to make? Katanna is there to show you the process.
We work on a “no deal, no pay” basis. The advance payment for the intermediary is an agreed upon commission /percentage of the sell price. This process occurs after the deed has been signed by a notary.
Let’s get started – here is our contact information:
You can either call
+31 6 29124986
or email us: katerina.israel (at)
Do you want to start straight away? Mail us your financial statements/statutes, company description and contact details.
The sooner we received these documents, the sooner we will contact you.